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How to Remove Unused CSS and Interactions in Webflow for Better Webflow Website Performance

Unused CSS and interactions in Webflow may seem minor, but they can significantly impact your website’s speed, user experience, and overall SEO performance. Cleaning up your Webflow project by removing unnecessary styles and interactions not only streamlines your code but also boosts page loading times, enhances responsiveness, and ensures a smoother user experience. Here’s why and how you should prioritize this in your workflow.
screenshot of deleting unused interactions in Webflow
Written by
Robert Trew
Published on
17 January 2022

Why You Should Remove Unused CSS in Webflow

CSS is essential for defining your website's appearance and layout, but over time, unused styles can accumulate and clutter your project. This unnecessary code adds weight to your stylesheets, making your website load slower and consuming more bandwidth. A bloated CSS file can especially affect users with slower internet connections and mobile devices, leading to a frustrating browsing experience.

Cleaning up your CSS regularly improves performance by reducing file sizes, allowing your pages to load faster. This optimization not only enhances the user experience but also boosts your site's SEO since search engines favor websites with fast loading times.

How to Remove Unused CSS in Webflow

Webflow provides a built-in tool to help streamline your CSS management. To remove unused CSS:

  • Open the Style Manager in Webflow Designer.
  • Click the "Clean Up" button to detect and remove unused CSS classes.
  • Review the suggested deletions carefully to avoid removing critical styles.

The Impact of Unused Interactions on Your Website

Interactions in Webflow add dynamic effects to enhance user engagement, but over time, many interactions may no longer be in use. These leftover interactions contribute to bloated JavaScript files, which Webflow loads across all pages of your website. As a result, even pages that don't utilize those interactions will experience slower load times due to unnecessary code being loaded.

Removing unused interactions helps to minimize the JavaScript file size, which in turn improves your site's overall speed and efficiency. Faster websites provide a better user experience and are more likely to rank higher in search engine results.

How to Clean Up Unused Interactions in Webflow

Managing interactions in Webflow is straightforward with the Interactions Panel, where you can review all applied animations and effects. To remove unused interactions:

  • Open the Interactions Panel in Webflow.
  • Identify interactions that are no longer linked to elements.
  • Click the brush icon in the top-right corner to clean up unused interactions.
  • Delete the unnecessary interactions to optimize performance.

The Benefits of Regular Cleanup

Regular maintenance of your Webflow project by removing unused CSS and interactions offers multiple benefits. Your website will load faster, providing users with a seamless browsing experience. A well-optimized site also leads to higher engagement, lower bounce rates, and better SEO performance. Additionally, maintaining a lean and efficient project makes it easier to manage and scale your website over time.


Cleaning up unused CSS and interactions in Webflow should be an integral part of your website maintenance routine. By using Webflow's built-in tools like the Style Manager and Interactions Panel, you can effortlessly keep your project lightweight and optimized. A faster, cleaner site not only enhances user experience but also boosts your search engine visibility, making it a crucial step for any Webflow designer aiming for success.

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Still have questions?

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Does deleting unused interactions affect my design?
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No, deleting unused interactions does not affect your design. It only removes interaction code that is no longer applied to any element on your site, optimizing performance.

How often should I clean up CSS and interactions in Webflow?
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It’s a good habit to clean up CSS and interactions after major design changes or regularly during maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

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