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Should Inbound and Outbound Links Open in the Same or a New Window?

Links are the foundation of web navigation, connecting users to additional information, resources, or other parts of your website. However, how and where these links open—whether in the same window or a new one—can significantly impact user experience, SEO, and accessibility.

What Are Inbound and Outbound Links?

  • Inbound Links: Links that direct users to another page within the same website (e.g., navigation links or internal blog links).
  • Outbound Links: Links that lead to external websites, directing users away from your site.

How you manage these links affects both user experience and how search engines perceive your site.

Why Does Link Behavior Matter?

1. Enhancing User Experience

Improper link behavior can confuse users or disrupt their browsing flow. For example:

  • Inbound Links: If they open in a new tab, users may lose track of where they started.
  • Outbound Links: If they open in the same tab, users may unintentionally leave your site.

By tailoring link behavior to user expectations, you improve navigation clarity and satisfaction.

2. Supporting Accessibility

Links should behave consistently to prevent confusion for users relying on assistive technologies. Explicitly defining link behavior ensures accessibility tools can provide appropriate cues, such as announcing whether a link opens in a new window.

3. Preserving SEO Value

Proper link behavior helps maintain page authority and navigation flow, particularly for inbound links that contribute to your website's link structure and SEO rankings.

Best Practices for Managing Links

1. Open Inbound Links in the Same Tab

Inbound links should open in the same window to maintain a cohesive browsing experience. This approach:

  • Encourages users to explore other pages on your site without cluttering their browser with multiple tabs.
  • Keeps users engaged by making it easy to navigate back and forth.

2. Open Outbound Links in a New Tab

Outbound links should open in a new tab to:

  • Keep users on your site, reducing bounce rates.
  • Allow users to explore external resources without losing their place on your website.

To implement this, add the target="_blank" attribute to outbound links. Webflow makes this process simple through its Designer.

3. Provide Clear Indicators

Inform users when a link will open in a new tab by:

  • Including a visual indicator (e.g., an icon next to the link).
  • Adding descriptive text (e.g., “Opens in a new window”).

This helps users know what to expect, enhancing accessibility and usability.

4. Avoid Overloading Links

Too many links, whether inbound or outbound, can overwhelm users and dilute your website's authority. Prioritize quality over quantity to maintain an intuitive and valuable user experience.

How to Set Link Behavior in Webflow

  1. Select a Link Element:
    In your Webflow project, click on the link element in the Designer.
  2. Set the Link Target:
    • For outbound links: Enable the Open in New Tab option.
    • For inbound links: Leave the Open in New Tab option disabled.
  3. Test Link Behavior:
    Preview your site to ensure all links behave as expected, enhancing usability.
  4. Provide Accessibility Cues:
    Add text or icons for new tab links to keep navigation consistent for all users.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Inconsistent Behavior:
    Mixing same-window and new-window behavior for similar links confuses users.
  2. Forgetting Accessibility Cues:
    Always indicate when a link opens in a new tab to support screen readers and user expectations.
  3. Overusing New Tab Links:
    Too many new tabs can clutter a user’s browser, reducing satisfaction and engagement.
  4. Broken Links:
    Regularly audit inbound and outbound links to ensure they lead to live, relevant pages.

Benefits of Proper Link Management

1. Better User Experience

Tailored link behavior aligns with user expectations, creating a smoother and more intuitive browsing experience.

2. Improved Accessibility

Clear cues and consistent behavior support users with disabilities, ensuring inclusivity.

3. Enhanced SEO

Effective internal linking improves your site’s crawlability and boosts search engine rankings.

4. Increased Engagement

Users are more likely to stay on your site and engage with your content when navigation is seamless.


Managing inbound and outbound links is more than a technical detail—it’s a critical aspect of user experience, SEO, and accessibility. By ensuring inbound links open in the same tab and outbound links open in a new tab, you create a website that’s intuitive, engaging, and accessible to all visitors.

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Still have questions?

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Why should inbound links open in the same tab?
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Opening inbound links in the same tab keeps navigation cohesive, allowing users to explore your site without cluttering their browser.

How do I make outbound links open in a new tab in Webflow?
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In Webflow’s Designer, enable the Open in New Tab option for outbound links to ensure they don’t disrupt your site’s flow.

What are accessibility best practices for links?
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Provide clear cues, such as icons or text, to indicate when a link opens in a new tab. This helps users with assistive technologies understand link behavior. You can see an example here

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